The National Commission of Public Entertainment (CNEPR) notified by the Sheriff Act Concerts SD presiding companies Saymon Diaz, and Live Nation, which has decided to prohibit the introduction of the controversial American singer Miley Cyrus, scheduled for 13 September.
In a communication to Saymon Diaz and Live Nation, Public Performances emphasizes that your responsibility is to prevent the republic Dominican public performances that offend morality, decency and relations with friendly countries are made.
In a communication to Saymon Diaz and Live Nation, Public Performances emphasizes that your responsibility is to prevent the republic Dominican public performances that offend morality, decency and relations with friendly countries are made.
And that makes the ban stands because the singer Miley Cyrus at concerts usually perform acts at odds with the morals and manners punished by Dominican law.
"Besides presenting with inappropriate costumes, corruption of language, images and perverse sentences, phrases with double meanings, defend crime, violence and degrading acts for civic worship, incitement to sex, lesbian sex in public use of unsuitable objects, acts against personal integrity and are in violation of the rights of children and adolescents are several reasons that the CNEPR argued in the person of its President JM Hidalgo, to ban the event, "said a statement sent to The Day.
Public Performances SD aa warns Concerts and Live Nation that has the power to bring to justice those who violate this or any statute entrusted to their supervision, so it should be subject to the standards prescribed by law.
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